Uses of Class

Packages that use MethodInvocation
cuba This is the "main" package for very basic abstract classes, interfaces and exception. 
cuba.ejb This package handles cuba-components inside a managed ejb enviroment. 
cuba.wired This package handles cuba-components inside a wired enviroment. 

Uses of MethodInvocation in cuba

Methods in cuba that return MethodInvocation
protected abstract  MethodInvocation AbstractComponentAdapter.invoker()

Uses of MethodInvocation in cuba.ejb

Methods in cuba.ejb that return MethodInvocation
protected  MethodInvocation EJB3Adapter.invoker()
protected  MethodInvocation EJB2Adapter.invoker()

Uses of MethodInvocation in cuba.wired

Methods in cuba.wired that return MethodInvocation
protected  MethodInvocation WiredAdapter.invoker()