Uses of Class

Packages that use Invocation
cuba This is the "main" package for very basic abstract classes, interfaces and exception. 
cuba.wired This package handles cuba-components inside a wired enviroment. 

Uses of Invocation in cuba

Subclasses of Invocation in cuba
 class AroundInvocation
          Base class for different kinds of function calls around method invocations Based on MethodInterceptorI for simplified interceptor definition for pre-defined things like e.g.
 class GeneralAroundInvocation
 class MethodInvocation
 class SimpleAroundInvocation

Uses of Invocation in cuba.wired

Subclasses of Invocation in cuba.wired
 class TxInterceptor
 class TxInterceptorMandatory
 class TxInterceptorNever
 class TxInterceptorNotSupported
 class TxInterceptorRequired
 class TxInterceptorRequiresNew
 class TxInterceptorSupports