Uses of Interface

Packages that use ComponentContextI
cuba This is the "main" package for very basic abstract classes, interfaces and exception. 
cuba.ejb This package handles cuba-components inside a managed ejb enviroment. 
cuba.wired This package handles cuba-components inside a wired enviroment. 

Uses of ComponentContextI in cuba

Classes in cuba that implement ComponentContextI
 class AbstractComponentContext
          Base class for all implementations of ComponentContextI, defining an internal contract which should not appear in the interface

Methods in cuba that return ComponentContextI
 ComponentContextI MethodInvocation.getComponentContext()
 ComponentContextI InvocationContextI.getComponentContext()
 ComponentContextI AbstractComponent.getContext()
          Returns the component's local context, provided by the container on AbstractComponent.setContext(cuba.ComponentContextI).

Methods in cuba with parameters of type ComponentContextI
protected  void AbstractComponentAdapter._initCore(ComponentContextI componentContext)
          Runs AbstractComponentAdapter._injectDependencies(cuba.ComponentContextI) followed by AbstractComponentAdapter._postConstruct() to initialize the component the EJB 3 way.
protected  void AbstractComponentAdapter._injectDependencies(ComponentContextI context)
          This function is used in derived adapter classes to inject dependend objects (other components and resources) in EJB 3 style.
 void ComponentI.setContext(ComponentContextI context)
          Called by the container on component instantiation to inject the component's context.
 void AbstractComponent.setContext(ComponentContextI context)
          Stores the provided context in a member variable which can be accessed by AbstractComponent.getContext()
 void AbstractAnnotatedComponent.setContext(ComponentContextI context)
          Stores the provided context in a member variable which can be accessed by AbstractComponent.getContext()

Uses of ComponentContextI in cuba.ejb

Classes in cuba.ejb that implement ComponentContextI
 class AbstractEJBComponentContext
 class EJB2ComponentContext
 class EJB3ComponentContext

Methods in cuba.ejb that return ComponentContextI
 ComponentContextI EJB3AroundForwarder.getComponentContext()
 ComponentContextI EJB3Adapter.getComponentContext()

Uses of ComponentContextI in cuba.wired

Classes in cuba.wired that implement ComponentContextI
 class WiredComponentContext